IVF with
egg donation

IVF with donated eggs

IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is a key assisted reproductive technology used to treat infertility. During this process, mature eggs are joined with sperm in laboratory conditions.

If, for health or other reasons, it is not possible to use eggs from the woman in the couple, we replace them with eggs from an anonymous donor in our donor program. This egg is fertilized outside of the body with the sperm of the partner or sperm donor. The resulting embryo is then placed in the uterus of the woman who will become the future mother.

To ensure the best possible result, the embryologist selects the appropriate laboratory methods (ICSI, PICSI, AH, Embryoscope, EmbryoGlue, IMSI, EC…) taking into account your wishes.

We guarantee to obtain at least two embryos at the blastocyst stage if your partner’s sperm is normal.

IVF method image

How does egg donation work?

Thanks to our extensive database, we can quickly find the most suitable donor for you without unnecessary waiting times.

Egg donation is fully legal in the Czech Republic. Donors are compensated for the costs and time associated with donation. Donation is voluntary and completely anonymous for the donor, the recipient and the child born. All medical records are kept for 30 years.

Our program is regularly audited by government authorities, including the State Institute for Drug Control and the Ministry of Health.

How do we select egg donors?

At Stellart, we place great emphasis on the selection of donors to ensure the highest quality eggs suitable for donation:

  • donors are between the ages of 18 and 33
  • donors undergo extensive health and genetic testing to ensure the safety and success of the donation
  • we recommend a suitable donor based on your specific wishes and criteria (blood type, hair and eye colour, height, weight, age, education)

Who is assisted reproduction intended for?

For couples in which the woman does not produce her own eggs or their quality is not sufficient, IVF treatment with donated eggs is a suitable solution. This can be, for example:

Women with a shortage or low quality of their own eggs.

Women diagnosed with fallopian tube leakage, endometriosis or pelvic adhesions.

Women diagnosed with premature ovarian failure.

Women without ovaries.

IVF treatment with donated eggs step by step

Step 1

Initial consultation with a doctor

During your first meeting with our specialist, you will receive comprehensive information about IVF treatment with donated eggs. We will select a suitable egg donor based on your preferences such as hair color, eye color, height and key factors such as RH factor and blood type.

Step 2

Synchronisation of cycles

Your treatment will begin by synchronizing your menstrual cycles. The doctor will adjust your cycle and begin hormonal stimulation of the donor woman so that everything is perfectly timed for the next steps of treatment.

Step 3

Egg collection

After 10 to 14 days of hormonal stimulation, the donor’s eggs are retrieved. On the same day, the sperm from the partner also needs to be collected or the donated sperm used.

Step 4

Fertilisation and embryo cultivation

In the laboratory, we fertilise eggs using ICSI or PICSI methods, either with your own sperm or donated sperm. This is followed by a five-day culture of the developed embryos.

Step 5


After successful culture, the selected embryo is transferred into the uterus of the recipient. The procedure takes place in our surgery room without anaesthesia and takes only 10 minutes. Your partner can be present to support you. After a short rest, you will receive all the information you need for the next steps and you can return home without any worries.

Step 6

Pregnancy test

Two weeks after the procedure, you will take a pregnancy test. We also recommend an HCG blood test to confirm the pregnancy and rule out any complications, even if the urine test comes out negative. This test is important to confirm the pregnancy but also to rule out biochemical or ectopic pregnancy.

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Treatment success

IVF program success by age

As part of the treatment success statistics, we only record real pregnancies, i.e. confirmed fetal heart action.

The spa town of Teplice

Our reproductive clinic is located in the beautiful spa town of Teplice in the north of Bohemia. Teplice is known for its rich history and the title of the oldest Czech spa. It boasts healing springs whose tradition dates back to the 8th century. During its period of greatest glory, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Teplice was even nicknamed Little Paris.

During your stay, you can also visit the 16th-century castle and stroll through the English-style castle park, which is the ideal place for rest and relaxation, which is so important during your baby-making journey.

Teplice, Czech republic

How does our clinic look like?

Explore the Stellart Clinic from the comfort of your own home.


Our team

Stellart's team of leading specialists includes doctors with extensive experience in assisted reproduction, gynaecology and obstetrics. They are here to support you every step of the way on your journey to parenthood, guaranteeing you top-notch care and a highly personalized approach.
Stellart Clinic - staff (doctors, nurses, coordinators)

Gynecologist / IVF specialistMUDr. Zdeněk Stránský

Stellart Clinic - staff (doctors, nurses, coordinators)

Gynecologist / IVF specialistMUDr. Noble Ayitey Ayayee

Why IVF with donated eggs at Stellart?

14 years of experience and tradition
Since 2010, we have been guaranteeing patients top medical care and tailored fertility treatment.

Family environment of the clinic
We use the latest treatment technologies, but we also provide patients with a friendly and family-like environment in an intimate clinic.

High treatment success rate
Our treatment success rate is 75%. Thanks to this, we have helped bring more than 1000 babies into the world.

Tailor-made care
We emphasize an individual approach and care tailored to each couple. The satisfaction and comfort of our patients are our priority.

Transparent and accessible pricing
Treatment at Stellart is accessible to everyone. We offer high quality services at clear and fair prices with no hidden fees.

Spa and wellness
The location of the clinic in the heart of the spa town of Teplice promises an attractive stay with the possibility of additional wellness treatments.

Heart - image

Your happy stories

We are proud to have been a part of many happy families and happy stories.


Stellinka already celebrated her first year in January, and Maxík unexpectedly joined us this February, whom we conceived naturally 6 months after Stellinka's birth.
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We are happy to announce that our Emička was born on February 20, 2023, thanks only to you.
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Fíla (Filip)

Thanks to you, we will spend this first Christmas like a real family! Despite all of our health complications and difficulties, you supported us and...
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It wasn't easy for us at all, trying for a baby for so many months and still nothing. Finally, we visited the Stellart clinic, where...
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Lina Magdalena Hope

Good morning, dear Stellart Clinic team. We would like to inform you that little Lina Magdalena Hope Sommer was born on October 10th, 2018. Thank...
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Copyright 2024 Stellart s.r.o.
